Mandate: Nutrition North Canada Advisory Board


The Nutrition North Canada (NNC) Advisory Board provides information and advice to the Minister of Indigenous and Northern Affairs to help guide the direction and activities of the program, and to ensure that northern residents receive its full benefits.


The board will assist the Minister by providing strategic advice from the standpoint of northern communities, taking into account the information and views provided by researchers, stakeholders, and experts in areas relevant to the program. Specifically, the board will:


The board will be composed of five to seven members, including a chair and vice chair, all appointed by the Minister. These persons will collectively represent a wide range of the primary perspectives and interests of northern residents and communities. Board members serve at the pleasure of the Minister.

The members will serve in their own right, not as representatives of any particular organization, area or special interest. They will be chosen on the basis of their merit and standing in the community as individuals.

Board members will be appointed for a three-year term that could be renewed for additional terms at the discretion of the Minister.

Board members will serve on a voluntary basis, but be reimbursed for expenses actually incurred and directly related to their duties as board members. Their responsibilities will be exercised in accordance with relevant provisions of the Financial Administration Act as well as Treasury Board authorities and guidelines.



Bring experience, expertise and the insights of Northerners in support of the delivery of the intended outcomes of the Nutrition North Canada Program. Review program results and trends and provide feedback on technical advice.

Provide strategic advice, arrived at by consensus, to the Minister, as well as program management of INAC, Health Canada, and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Establish a board work plan including forward looking items and yearly meeting schedule, reviewed annually. This work plan may be supplemented by requests by the Minister for the board to provide information and advice on specific program matters.

The board will provide a concise annual update to the Minister, as well as reports and recommendations from time-to-time as the board deems appropriate.

The Chair (and members if possible) will meet with the Minister on an annual basis, and with senior departmental officials on a regular basis (via teleconference), to explain the board's perspectives, findings and advice.

The board members will meet face-to-face on a scheduled basis up to three times each year, two of which may be public meetings to raise awareness and gather information. They will also meet regularly via teleconference.

The board will work closely with stakeholders, community representatives and interested parties who could provide information, data, insights and points of view that could contribute constructively to the board's work.

The board will operate with funding levels, support staff and secretariat services assigned by INAC. At times, the board may be required to prioritize tasks in order to respect the established allocations.

The board has no decision-making authority over operational and regulatory functions or program management, and is not an implementation mechanism.

The board will from time-to-time issue public reports on its work.

Health Canada/Public Health Agency of Canada support

Provide the board with regular updates on NNC Nutrition Education Initiatives, and contribute technical nutrition advice and input, as well as Health Canada/Public Health Agency of Canada considerations to inform board discussions.

Assist in identifying individuals with information/expertise relevant to the board and their discussions, and provides assistance contacting and coordinating these individuals to present to the board.

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada support

Provide administrative support and coordination for board activities (e.g., meeting preparation, accommodation, transportation, teleconferences)

Assist in developing and employing the board's work plan as a means of remaining focused on priorities and meeting objectives.

Provide regular updates, technical advice, and program results to the board.

Assist in identifying individuals with information/expertise relevant to the board and their discussions, and help contact and coordinate these individuals to present to the board.

Provide communications support and advice on Government of Canada communications policy.

Technical Advisor

A technical advisor with strong credentials relevant to the program may be contracted to support the board. They will:

  • Provide independent, non-partisan, technical advice upon request from the board.
  • Provide strategic innovation ideas related to NNC objectives.
  • Collect information and research that supports areas of study identified by the board, and as outlined by the work plan and objectives of the board. Provide quality and timely deliverables as requested.
  • Attend the face-to-face and teleconference meetings and ensure that their experience and insights are made available for board consideration. This contribution will be made before meetings (during the development of meeting agendas), during meetings, and following meetings (in drafting informed decision records and follow-up documentation).


Barring extenuating circumstances, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, board members are expected to attend all meetings during the term of their appointment, including teleconference and face-to-face meetings.

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